Evaluation of expression failed - RegexReplace

Dear All,

I am using Strong manipulation Node. I try to use a Regex Expression.
regexReplace($new column2$,“.*(\n|.)*Besz.*et.oss.\n” ," " )
This expression delete all text from cells from start to end of the specified lines.

The problem is, one row doesn’t works, and i don’t know why? Previously (Friday) was java.lang.StackOverflowError message.

Thank you.


Hello @janszky_nav,

it’s hard to say by just looking. I suggest to go on https://regex101.com and test it there to see what you are (not) matching properly. Or replace confidential data from that cell with dummy data and share it here :wink:


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To add to what Ivan already said:

That 7*) in row 169 is probably the reason as it’s different compared to the other rows. Also make sure that you use the correct syntax for the Regex in Java whereby you have to escape special chars, meaning: .*(\\n|.)*Besz.*et.oss.\\n

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Dear Ivan,
I tested soon, it’s working.

Dear ArjenEX,

I remove *) characters, but the result unchanged.
I thought about this before because of the special characters.

I thought it was bad because of the length of the text.

Thank you.

In that case, enter rows 145 and 169 in regex101 and see what’s happening and amend your Regex accordingly. If not successful, there is not much else we can do without having an anonymized sample data set/workflow.

Hello @janszky_nav
Could the problem be related to syntax?


I think, the syntax is ok. I checked in Regex101 too.
I used the Regex Extractor Node.
But doesn’t work there either for this line

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I see a second word at the bottom with partial Regex matches. Is there additional text after which could cause a second Regex match in the same cell?

Dear iCFO,

No. The two words not equal. First spell (B) capital, and the sescond isn’t.
The .oss. is part of (hossza). In the text soesn’t have this word again.

Thank you.

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I am not sure this guessing is helping you out. You probably want to provide an (anonymous) sample file for people to test


Hello @janszky_nav,

does it work as expected on regex101? Maybe there is some hidden character that is for some reason breaking regular expression. Try narrowing down where is the issue in cell by removing certain data parts from it.


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