Example with Gaussian Convolution

I try to run example on KNIME 3.7 and getting error
ERROR Gaussian Convolution 0:37 Error in row image1-mask.jpeg: java.io.IOException: No externalizer available with id ImageMetadataExt3
ERROR Gaussian Convolution 0:37 Execute failed: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException: No externalizer available with id ImageMetadataExt3

What is missed on my installation?

Hi @izaychik63,

I am sorry you are encountering this bug, it looks like the example workflow was created with the nightly version of KNIME Image Processing. Can you tell me the name of the workflow so I can fix this?
You should be able to get the workflow running again, by resetting the nodes.


The example was posted on forum (background-color.knwf).
Do you mean I can delete existing node and replace them with current KNIME nodes?
background-color.knwf (474.7 KB)

I see it’s the one I posted here:

I have attached an fixed version:
background-color-improved.knwf (38.5 KB)


Yes, or you can just reset the node, should have the same effect.

Thank you, Gabriel.

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