Excel Reader via Sharepoint Connector Broken following 5.1.0 Update

Further to this, it is the Sharepoint Connector, not the Excel Reader that is the problem, as I now have this issue with a Table Reader node.

I’ve also been seeing strange error messages when browsing in these Reader nodes, along the lines of:

WARN NioFile Could not list files in ‘/Documents/Projects/Dashboard Copies’: Error code: itemNotFound
Error message: The resource could not be found.

GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/drives/[edited]/root:/Projects%2FDashboard%2520Copies:/children
SdkVersion : graph-java/v5.49.0

404 : Not Found

I think this must be related to the other Sharepoint error post that’s popped up today erro knime extensión sharepoint

Please help! What’s happening?