Hello dears,
I´m trying to read a 1.2Gb xlsx in the last version but unfortunately the Zip Bomb error msg is shown. Neither to read just 1 collum is working. I found the workaround using ZipSecureFile.setMinInflateRatio(0);
, but i can’t understand how i add it before read the xlsx file - it wasn´t input option. could Anyone help me, pls?
UPDATE: I have been trying to add it in .ini file, unsuccessful. the file is public and its available at https://ftp.ibge.gov.br/PNS/2019/Microdados/Dados/PNS_2019_20220525.zip
@JM_P this file seems to be a large TXT file with maybe fixed width fields. You can use the Fixed Width File Reader for that (you would have to define the fields yourself)
… or you use a Python code:
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