Excel Sheet Appender: Execute failed: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException

Hi ,
I’m using Knime 4.1.4 and I was about to use the excel sheet appender to add a new sheet to an existing file and I get the following error:

I’ve already doubled/triplled checked that the excel it’s not open and that there’s no sheet with the same name.
If the excel doesn’t already exists then there’s no issue.


Can anyone help, please??

Hello Ana,
can you please have a look at the end of the KNIME log file right after the error occurred and post the detailed problem here. To view the log file go to View → Open KNIME log.
Also you might be consider to update to the latest version which contains a complete rewrite of the Excel Writer which now also allows you to append to an existing file. For more information about the new Excel Writer and the new file handling framework in general have a look at this blog post or the file handling guide.

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Hello Tobias,

Yeah I did that and the log showed that the problem was due the size of the excel file (80MB) , I then tried it with a sample and it worked. Regarding the new version as I’m using the company’s Knime I have to wait for them to update it, but I’ll definitely talk with IT.
Thanks for the suggestions.


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Hi Ana,
maybe you can increase the memory that KNIME Analytics Platform can use as described here.

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