Excel sheet name after overwrite with Excel Writer Node

Hi all,
hope everybody is well!
In our team we use Knime to clean and manipulate different Excel file to uniform them, so basically our workflows start with an Excel Reader and end with an Excel Writer node; after that we use the final Excel file in Power BI. In the last few months we have been encountering something weird with the output of our Excel Writer node, meaning that, after overwriting the file Power Bi doesn’t recognize the sheet name anymore, even if we don’t change it.
As of today we have found a workaround in which we open the overwritten excel file, we double click on the name of the sheet and then everything works just fine. As you can imagine, this is not sustainable in term of not being able to automatize the update of our dashboards.
Has someone else encountered the same problem? Are we doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance to anyone who helps!

@scazzetta there have been similar reports and there is a ticket. Though not sure if this is your exact problem

One suggestion was to use parquet files to transfer data which in my experience is more stable then Excel …

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Hi @scazzetta,

which version of KNIME Analytics Platform are you using? This would help narrow down the problem that PowerBI has. It seems PowerBI is much more picky than Excel when it comes to reading XLSX files :slightly_frowning_face:.

Using Parquet to ingest data into PowerBI sounds like a good alternative if you don’t need to open the exported files in Excel again and just want to process them in PowerBI.



Hi Manuel,
thanks for the answer, I’ve seen as mlauber71 said, that an internal ticket has been opened after the 5.3 version release, the one I’m using actually.

I’ve tried with csv file (which are more easily used also by other colleagues who aren’t “technical”) and it’s working for now! I’ll keep updated with the latest news about that ticket though :slight_smile:

Thanks again for the support


Hi again,

just to confirm that it is indeed related to the compression that PowerBI does not understand (AP-23021).

What is the error message that PowerBI shows?



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