❌ Execution failed: Could not connect to the Python process.

:x: Execution failed: Could not connect to the Python process.
i run a workflow in knime, but i can’t, this is my script

import knime.scripting.io as knio

Import required libraries

import pandas as pd

import numpy as np

Read the input data into a pandas DataFrame

data = knio.input_tables[0].to_pandas()

Define the input sequence length and number of future predictions

num_predictions = max(data[‘date_range’].values)

Create a date range

start_date = min(data[‘Min(date_order)’].values)

end_date = max(data[‘Max(date_order)’].values)

date_range = pd.date_range(start_date + pd.DateOffset(0), periods=num_predictions, freq=‘D’)

Create a dataframe with the predicted values and corresponding dates

predicted_data = pd.DataFrame({‘date_knime’: date_range})

Export the predicted data to output.table

knio.output_tables[0] = knio.input_tables[0]

knio.output_tables[1] = knio.Table.from_pandas(predicted_data)

whereas, i have installed, numpy, pandas and also prophet using conda prompt.

Hi @Gelora_Fikrisin ,
If you are using your own Python environment, you may need to check whether the “knime-python-scripting” package has been installed in the current environment.

In the self-installed Python environment, this package needs to be installed additionally.

See the document in detail:


In addition to the guide I’ve also written an article on medium on this topic (if you know and like the game snake this may also be for you ;-)):


Very detailed operation guide! :+1: :smiley:

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my knime & phyton have connected. but i can’t run my knime especially the prophet library, whereas i have installed in my anaconda prompt and using environment where i install the prophet library.
anyone can help me?

@Gelora_Fikrisin you should make sure that your Python node does us ethe actual conda environment that has prophecy:

i have followed it and still failed

anyone can help me :smiling_face_with_tear: :smiling_face_with_tear: :smiling_face_with_tear:

i have also tried using miniforge, but there isn’t any change. i have just install prophet, numpy, and pandas

Did you follow the guide to set up a conda env that can be used in KNIME?

E.g. did you:

conda create --name <your-env-name> -c knime -c conda-forge knime-python-scripting=5.2 python=3.11 your-other-packages1 your-other-packages2 ...

If yes, did you select the conda env you are propagating via:


Then select your conda env flow variable in this drop down:


(or followed what @mlauber71 showed)

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there is an option only, in my dropdown. is it true?

@Gelora_Fikrisin you will have to make sure the Python node has the environment that has prophecy. Conda environment propagation is one way to do this. More details:

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agree with mlauber - looks like the conda env you have created is not compatible - I recommend to initially set up your env by following the guide to make sure the right dependencies are installed to make it work in KNIME.

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