Hi everyone,
we are trying to create a new executor image on our business hub using the Executor Image Builder workflow so we can use the python library fpdf in our workflows. However, the Executor Image Builder runs into this error after the fourth page:
[36mINFO[0m[2339] Pushing image to registry.hub.ourcompany.biz/knime-executor/cache:abeaa0066da269e76cc4e51c0b3f68d326036ae75c8783a7c4bf927ad3baa57c
- micromamba env create -f /tmp/py39_knime_fpdf.yml
/bin/sh: 1: micromamba: not found
error building image: error building stage: failed to execute command: waiting for process to exit: exit status 127
So apparantly there’s a problem with micromamba. As I understand it, micromamba should get installed along with the image, right?
The .yml file we uploaded is the same one as was used for our current executor image, except that we added one line for the inclusion of fpdf:
name: py39_knime_fpdf # Name of the created environment\n
channels: # Repositories to search for packages\n\
- conda-forge\n
dependencies: # List of packages that should be installed\n\ - python=3.9 # Python\n\
- fpdf # PDF generation\n\
- py4j # used for KNIME ↔ Python communication\n\
- nomkl # Prevents the use of Intels MKL\n\
- pandas # Table data structures\n\
- jedi=0.18.1 # Python script autocompletion\n\
- python-dateutil # Date and Time utilities\n\
- numpy # N-dimensional arrays\n\
- cairo # SVG support\n\
- pillow # Image inputs/outputs\n\
- matplotlib # Plotting\n\
- pyarrow=6.0 # Arrow serialization\n\
- IPython # Notebook support\n\
- nbformat # Notebook support\n\
- scipy # Notebook support\n\
- python-flatbuffers<2.0 # because tensorflow expects a version before 2\n\
- h5py<3.0 # must be < 3.0 because they changed whether str or byte is returned\n\
- protobuf>3.12 # Lower protobuf versions do not work with TensorFlow 2\n\
- libiconv # MDF Reader node\n\
- asammdf=5.19.14 # MDF Reader node\n\
- JPype1 # Databases\n\
Our Business Hub version is 1.12.1, our current executor version is 5.3.2 (with Python) and the Executor Image Builder version is v2.2 (since 2.3 was created with a higher Knime Version).
As for our configuration, we selected “Full Image 5.4.0” (Base image also didn’t work, but it was a different error) as well as “Enable Extensions Detector”. On the second page, no additional extensions are selected. On the third page, “Add Python Environment” is selected and the .yml file is uploaded. No edits were made on the last page.
We also tried uploading the example .yml file from the latest version of the Business Hub Admin Guide (the one with python 3.11), but the same error occured.
Can anybody help?