Exponential Smoothing for Time Series Analysis

I have a dataset which contains Year, Month and Price. I want to create time series forecasting workflow using exponential smoothing method

I have added my workflow screenshot.
I am using simple exponential smoothing from moving average node
After applying this I am not getting forecasted values
Screenshot 2023-04-05 123847

Please anyone help me to solve this.

Hello BhuvaneswariS,

Thank you for reaching out. I wanted to let you know that the Moving Average node only produces moving average window values of selected window length and type, based on existing values. It does not necessarily produce forecasted values.

If you’re looking to predict values in the future, I recommend checking out this tutorial for SARIMA and ARIMA models. These models are specifically designed for time series forecasting and may be better suited to your needs. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

Best Regards,

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