Export Workflow Option at File Icon - Modern UI

I have been working with Modern UI more and more and I am getting more comfortable with it, but I find the placement of the Export Workflow extremely unintuitive when working with an open workflow. I invariably click on the file icon drop down expecting to see the option for exporting the workflow, fumble around a bit, then switch back to the old UI to export the workflow (even though I have have looked up that it is possible in the workflow browser window multiple times). It just isn’t intuitive to navigate through all of the folder levels in the workflow browser until you reach the open workflow so that you can export it…

iCFO 8-13-2024 11.16.16 AM

I would also like to see the ability to select a universal custom export folder location in the settings.

Hi @iCFO, Your point is absolutely understandable; we will add an entry to export the workflow also here (ticket reference is NXT-2889).

Little side note: There is a handy way to reveal the current file in the space explorer, via the context menu of a workflow or component tab.


@schramm - Awesome tip. Thanks!

Internal ticket ID: NXT-2889
Fix version(s): 5.4.0
Other related topic(s): -

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