Hi there. I’ve been a Knime user for some time, but this is the first time I’ve had to deal with XML files. I need to extract the information that is in the nodes of an XML file, multiply these values by four different factors (creating a table with 4 different columns with the same number of lines that were extracted from the XML) and save these values in another XML file already prepared to receive the manipulated values. So far I’ve only managed to import the XML and I’ve stopped at the XPath node. Could someone please help?
Hi @twebberbr
It seems like you have a pretty nested XML file there which makes it very difficult to help you just based off a single screenshot. If you can upload an (anonymized) example file and also draft your desired output then it’s far more likely someone will be able to help you out
Hi. Sorry, I´m a complete ignorant with XML files . I´m sending the two xml files that I need to work. The aim is to extract from the file “source.txt” the values at the lines 761 to 851. Then those values need to be multiplied by four different factors (0.3, 0.2, 0.1 and 0.4 for example). This four new columns must be placed in another XML file (destiny.txt) more precisely at the lines 659-749, 763-854, 883-973 and 1003-1093. I believe it isn´t something complex, but the xml files are really nested, and I have no how to do in Knime. Thanks for the help.
destiny.txt (156.6 KB)
source.txt (135.4 KB)
No worries, we all have been there once I’ll have a look.
Is the structure of both files fixed and do only the value change? Because if it then this is indeed a somewhat simple job but if the start and end lines in the destiny file have to be determined dynamically this becomes a complex matter.
The structure is fixed.I only need to change the values.