I would like to extract all metadata from a raster tif file. I know this can be done with a python script in knime. I am using the custom conda environment with GDAL, GeoPandas and pySAL packages installed. I am unsure how to adapt the below script so that I can extract the data in knime and get on with it to get round the fact that raster files are currently not supported in Knime. I have used this script below but could extract the data. Can anyone help with this? Thanks
I have recently tried finding a way to extract the XMP Meta data from images too and, whilst not Phyton, found a way to extract the information too using a simple RegEx
(?<XMP Meta Data><x:xmpmeta((?!</x:xmpmeta>).)+</x:xmpmeta>)
Thanks a lot for this. I will give this a go sometimes this week and get back to you. I am currently warming up to python and python in knime. So it would be great if you you could fine the python solution too whenever possible.
I am also not used to XML so will try and figure it out.
Most importantly, I am very pleased you looked into this. Thanks again.