Feature request: Better versioning automation


First of all, I am on Hub 1.8.3 still (plans to upgrade to 1.11 later this month hopefully) so if what I am asking is already implemented, please tell me and disregard :slight_smile:

We are handling about 270 workflows in production, and we sometimes have to deploy an update to most of them at the same time. For example, right now I am upgrading all of our Python Script (legacy) nodes to standard Python Script nodes. It’s heavily manual work but upgrading the workflows themselves is not the biggest issue.

The major pain point when doing this is versioning and updating the version of the deployments, and I was wondering if there could be (or was?) a better way.

I know about the Version Creator node, but its scope is for now too limited to be usable. For this one, we need to be able at least to manually set the description of the version (the changelog). Most importantly, we need a way to retrieve Draft workflows that are not yet versioned on the Hub only.

Second, it would be extremely helpful if the deployment settings had a Latest version option instead of having to manually set a version, like the Call Workflow nodes do. That way, creating a new version would automatically apply to current deployments.

The whole point of KNIME for us, and of the Business Hub, is to automate stuff as much as possible. While we are happy with how we can automate data processing, the workflows handling part is a bit lackluster on that regard.

Thanks a lot for your attention!

Hi Vonwen,

Apologies for the delay. In addition to versioning via the Version Creator Node. You could also Version using an REST endpoint. Once you have the BH installed you can access our swagger UI that has the endpoints needed for versioning here:

Let me know if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,


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