Feature Request: Option to allow "List Files/Folders Node" to not fail when a (flow variable) path is not found

Feature Request:
Option to allow “List Files/Folders Node” to not fail when a flow variable path is not found (similar to how the “List Remote Files” legacy node does not fail; employing Try/Catch nodes together with the new list files/folder node is slower than employing jsut the legacy node).

Example Usecase:
Daily archived files can often be found in dynamically created folders, whose structures are known. Checking for files in a list of possible folders is significantly faster, as compared to reading a parent folders with millions of files (that are subsequently filtered ie. by date and further parameters). Checking within a list of potentially available folders is significantly faster.

+1 from me as well as I find it most annoying to have to:

  1. List the parent folder (i.e. workflow data dir)
  2. Filter for desired sub folder
  3. Determine if result is empty (folder missing) or not (folder is present)