I am trying to build a looping workflow where data is lodaded into multiple tables, and table names and other parameters are controlled by variables.
I came against a brick wall trying to supply a variable for the Actian Dataflow node called 'Load Actian Vector'.
The item is fieldMap, it expects a string variable of some sort. But nowhere in documentation could I find the specs or sytax for it, as it is supposed to be some kind of key:value pairs thing. Its job is to map source and destination table fields.
When I tried various things, I got an error message "Unable load field mapping from json", so I assume that it expects a JSON.
This page from Actian documentation describes similar operation using RushScript, where the parameter is in obvious JSON fromat: http://help.pervasive.com/display/DR62/Loading+Vectorwise
But when I tried that exact format, I got the same error.
Can anyone help with this?