Hey, I am trying to move from my excel query into Knime in order to automate and speed the process. The formulas aim is to tell me how many values we have with the value on that day. I have attached an example to try to explain this better and am using KNIME 4.7.2
Thanks for the input
Example.xlsx (9.5 KB)
Welcome @SAIASI99 ,
one way of doing countif is this:
Here is a workflow using your example:
CountIf.knwf (94.0 KB)
Happy end of the year,
you are using 5.3?
The nightly build, tool of the brave
Yes, for small things I use the nightly on a separate workspace to not mess up the major stuff. Sometimes I forget about which version I am using.
Though, 5.2 should be able to load this workflow (tested just now). If it does not, please shout an I’ll upload a version saved with 5.2.
it does, just quickly warns about “workflow was build with a newer version…”
What I am really missing in KNIME 5 is the simple yet indispensable (to me) option to simply double click on a workflow and open it as in V4. Do you know by any chance whether that is part of 5.3?
br and happy holidays
What I’d also like is to be able to double-click on a workflow and be asked which version of KNIME to load it in.
I’d also really really really like it if KNIME 5 had a different icon to KNIME 4 in my taskbar as I often have both open
Thanks for such a quick input, tried it and it works. Thanks for all you engagement in the post.
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