I recently noticed that the File Download Widget produces an unknown type file if you click on the download link too quick. Maybe the file has not been prepared yet.
If you wait a few seconds and click again, the Excel file is correct. This gets our users confused.
Is there a way to tackle this. I was thinking about 2 possible workarounds:
Display a ‘Wait’ message in the browser.
Display the link after a wait node for a few seconds.
what versions of KNIME are you using (HUB/Server and Executor). We fixed a very similar problem recently (don’t remember exactly in which version). Can you reliably reproduce the problem? Is it only if the to be downloaded file is large?
I tried to reproduce the issue, but for me it always seems to work. Are you able to share the workflow or a minimal example workflow where this happens?
we tried again to reproduce it and we now chose a hub 4.16 and 5.2.3 with edge as browser and everything works as expected for us. Is there anything we are missing?
we are not using Knime Hub, we use Knime Server version 4.16.2.
Notice that you have to click on the download link quickly. If you wait for 2-3 seconds the file is generated correctly.