File Upload Widget fails with error about file download widget in downstream component

Near the start of my workflow designed for the webportal is a File Upload Widget.
The widget fails when run on the web portal. The progress bar sits at 0 for a while, then races to 100 and for a second looks like the upload succeeded, but then quickly get a red error message “Upload Failed”.
I’m using AP 4.4.2 and server 4.13.4

When I check the logs, I see the following error:
2022-04-07 00:26:50,065 : ERROR : KNIME-Worker-3822-Flexible File Input 1 0:718 : c61385c9-771b-4aad-b299-ccbb26af3274 : FileDownloadWidgetNodeModel : File Download Widget : 0:1421:0:1352:0:1333 : Could not get output resource URL: Variable “tableFileKnime” does not denote an existing file: knime://knime.workflow/data/knimetemp-57285ae787524fae/RegressionCoefficients.table

The error curiously references a File Download Widget node very far downstream of the File Upload Widget, contained in a component.

This looks similar to:
AP-12111: Configuration of Call Workflow (Table Based) node fails, if wf on server contains File Download node in wrapped metanode
(which was fixed in 4.2)
See Calling workflows which contain "File Download" nodes

Also the upload fails when working from home, but not when on prem.

I can’t share the workflow, but might be able to share the components if needed.
Also, can anyone suggest a workaround?


Hi Don,

Can you share the component or sample workflow? Trying to recreate the problem over here. Out of curiosity, does it only fail when working from home for .table formats or all formats?

Also, do you know if the Server is running on Windows or Linux?

Wali Khan

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Thank you for the response.
I created a very simple workflow that merely uploads a file, and unfortunately the file upload still fails.
So it appears the errors regarding the downstream nodes were unrelated.

My hypothesis at this point is a problem related to our network, however that will require some more investigation.

Kind regards,

Okay good to see some progress. If it works on-prem and not from home I would also assume its something to do with networking.

If you need anything else or get some more insight please let us know!



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