Flow Variable Not Updating

Hi knimers,

I have a similar problem of flow variable not updated.
Nodes still refer to a flow variable of previous execution of a workflow. (Highlighted in red on the picture)
It generates an error “Errors overwriting node settings with flow variables: Unknown variable *****”.
How can I update flow variable?

  • The original table has 3 columns of time stamp.
  • I select one of the 3 columns by Column Selection Configuration node.
  • I find out the minimum (earliest) time stamp and want to append a new column of the minimum time stamp to the original table.
  • Table Row to Variable node sends a correct flow variable of the minimum time stamp value but Constant Value Column node cannot get it with the error.

Thank you!


from your picture, this flow variable don’t exists yet… If you need to set it up, just mark the Create Variable below the use variable and insert a name for it. Now the flow will create a new variable with this name and set the value that you refer at the value string field.




Can you put the flow here? to see and adjust if necessary?

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Hi @denisfi ,

Thank you for your reply.
Based on your input, I reviewed my workflow and realized that I didn’t create flow variables properly.
That caused the workflow to fail when an input table is changed.
My problem has been resolved and thank you for your input!


you’re welcome! thanks for your example and challenger.

Please, don’t forget to mark as solved, ok?



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I went ahead and moved this question to its own thread since the existing thread was 12 years (!!) old. :slight_smile:


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