Hi All,
I’ve got a workflow that processes an excel document to the form I want. The excel document already has data in it but I want to run the same workflow on a blank excel document. The problem I have is Power BI throws error messages as the new columns from the pivot process don’t exist so the measures and graph visuals will show errors as well. Is there a way for KNIME to force itself to create those columns?
I’ve attached the full workflow - the area I’m focused on is the record drawing section where I’ve currently got a version with populated data. I’ve uploaded the excel tracker with no data.
Dashboard.knwf (666.9 KB)
GBL-0473-XX-XX-SH-X-200008 Record Drawing Schedule No Data.xlsx (161.3 KB)
Any help will be greatly appreciated. If you have any comments on improving efficiency of the workflow in full, I’ll happily take on the advice as this my first proper workflow.