I’m developing a node in Python reading from a text file, after creating the pandas dataframe, when calling the “knext.Table.from_pandas(df_full)” it returns me an error:
(‘Could not convert 20.0 with type float: tried to convert to boolean’, ‘Conversion failed for column Base with type object’)
we’re much more skilled at python compared to Java, so we’re giving it a go!
regarding the problem here an extraction of the dataframe, problem is the dataframes always varies, I’ve solved the problem converting ALL to string, but it’s strange that the .from_pandas() doesn’t handle potential conversion errors
I don’t understand: if I use your file and have the following in my execute method, then I get the screenshot as expected. I used KNIME Analytics Platform (KAP) 4.7.4. Could you elaborate how this failed on your machine and also which KAP and OS you use?