Is it/will it become possible to trigger ‘apply’ in the Generic Javascript View without also leaving the component by pressing Next? This would be very important functionality to enable building versatile app-interfaces using multiple Javascript elements.
can you tell us a bit about your usecase?
If I understand correctly this is already possible. See the attached workflow.
I use a refresh button widget to apply the changes to the generic javascript input field and load it back in after the re-execution.
For instance, can I take that string that I have input into the Javascript view out as a variable, store the value into a database, and then show another Javascript view, all inside the same component, i.e. user interface?
Yes that should be possible. I adjusted my example to give you a hint on how that could work. Of course this is only a very little example but you could build something arbitrary complex ;).
I have modified it slightly (thanks to Bing Chat, file attached), to prevent the text box from disappearing after the first entry. I also replaced the ‘database’ csv with a Text View to demonstrate the effect. Now the user can make a choice in one JS view, have it to change another one, and go back to modify the first if they want.
There is quite a bit of latency though. I suppose this is something we cannot do anything about? SaveSettingsGenericJS.knwf (19.5 KB)
great to see the changes. Shows very nicely how one can do such things.
About the latency, we are currently investigating the re-execution logic and if all works out as expected we will get a very nice speed up with the next AP version 5.3.
Should already be way faster on a Hub/WebPortal.