Geospatial Allocation based on Vaccine Distribution Workflow

When executing the workflow in 5.3, with no changes (as is) getting this error. Please see snapshot

Your description implies that this was working before in an earlier version? If you could share the workflow it would help the KNIME devs a lot to determine if there’s potentially an issue with V5.3 here.

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I believe it was working in 4.7.x however… it seems an update to the extension makes that older version buggy as well. I’ve posted a separate issue on the forum with Tiger Map (on 4.7.x)
So debugging is a little tricky – may I suggest (first), have multiple extensions available that are version specific… one for 4.7.x and one for 5.3.x so we know which version and which extension is actually usable. If you need something (log, etc, please let me know) The extension and the nodes can be very useful… if working.
Second, the workflow is available online: Geospatial Allocation based on Vaccine Distribution – KNIME Community Hub
Thanks again for looking into it.

Just for additional clarity… this workflow (link above) using the current extension 1.2 fails in both cases… 4.7.x and 5.3.x. More specifically:

  1. Tiger map (node) gives an SSL error on 4.7
  2. p-median (node) gives an error on 5.3
  3. extension 1.2 seems to have some compatibility issues with both versions 4.7 and 5.3… and there’s no other extension that I can see. Suggestions? Thanks!