My workflow is using Geospatial Analytics nodes (Spatial Join, Dissolve, Overlay) to analyse overlap between two layers (polygons) and I find it is failing, due to memory problems I think.
As such I have been running the operation on a freshly booted laptop with no other programmes running.
As a workaround I have already chunked the operation into 30 batches (using Group Loop - the batches are not equal-sized) - the small batches run fine, it is encountering this problem only on a few of the largest batches. I guess if there is no other solution I will have to further sub-divide the operation.
There is 16 GB RAM on the laptop and I have allocated 8GB to Knime in knime.ini, but what I find when watching the Resource screen in Task Manager (Windows) is that behind the scenes Python is using all available RAM (up to 13+ GB). On the toughest batches it treads this line of up to 97% RAM use for several minutes but eventually fails. Sometimes it fails gracefully, with a message in the console e.g. ERROR Dissolve 3:501 Execute failed: Error while sending a command. Once, this was accompanied by a Windows message: “The process failed because it could not allocate additional memory”. Other times the Windows GUI crashes and I am left with a black screen and a mouse cursor. Other times I get a blue screen of death with messages about the video driver (possibly the laptop is using part of normal RAM as video RAM).
I understand from this post (Python script node error when executing in the workflow only with 38M rows, but runs fine at a few million. - #4 by carstenhaubold) that it might not be possible to control Python’s use of memory?
Just wondering if this is still the case? If there was a setting in Knime to stop Python using all of the memory, that would be great. I can see that it is trying to contain itself, as it dances around 96-97% for several minutes, on the largest batches (unless the node manages to succesfully reach 100% during this time). But after a few minutes of this (stuck on 90%), it always seems to trip off the cliff!