Geospatial views now showing on webportal

I’m exploring the new geospatial nodes and am finding that the output of the Geospatial View node does not display when the composite view is opened as a page on the WebPortal. Other widgets in the view show, but not the map.

Is this just a current limitation of the new framework, or are these views supposed to work on the WebPortal? If it is supposed to work, what might I be missing?

Hello @AngusVeitch ,
the nodes should work in the WebPortal as well. However you need to add the following line to the knime-server.config file to support Geospatial Views:

com.knime.server.webportal.csp=default-src ‘self’; script-src ‘unsafe-inline’ ‘unsafe-eval’ ‘self’; style-src ‘unsafe-inline’ ‘self’;img-src ‘self’ data: * * * * * * * *; connect-src ‘self’ * *; font-src ‘self’ data:;worker-src blob: ‘self’;

This will enable the views to load the background tiles from the different providers such as MapBox or OpenstreetMap.
In addition, we have identified a problem with the OSM boundary node when used in a read-only executor which will be fixed with the next release. Until then you can not use the node with such an executor.


Hello @AngusVeitch ,

we have just release version 1.1 which should solve the problem with the views in the WebPortal. However you still need to adjust the knime-server-config file as describe here.

For more details about the release click here.


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