Get Request node - Empty files

The Get Request node only delivers an empty table and empty files, even though the settings seem to be correct.

Welcome to the KNIME Forum!
A screenshot or even better, an example workflow, would help us help you in this case. I assume that you get a red question mark in the body column? In that case, you can hover your mouse over the cell and it should give you the reason why this cell is missing. You can also use the Extract Missing Value Cause node to get the info.
Kind regards,

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Reason: Missing Values

Hi @HGS_mbH , in general to get assistance please provide any information in a form that can be copied/pasted. To help you, it is likely that people will need to try the URL that you are using and if they have to copy it from a screenshot, experience suggest that you are less likely to get help.

If it had not been that I could paste the screenshot into a chatgpt session and ask it to give me back the URL, I probably wouldn’t be replying here either!

So, for anybody else wishing to assist:

The URL extracted from the image is:

Have you tried accessing that url from a browser on the same machine that is running KNIME AP? If so, what happens?

Reason for asking is that when I put that URL into the Get Request node, as you have shown, without setting any other request/response headers etc, I get back data as a binary which I can convert to a String and read as json.


So… I am going to make a massive leap here…
I think your problem is that you have included one or more spaces at the end of the URL in your Get Request node. It’s easily done, especially if you copy and paste the url, and if I try it, I get the same result as you.

Please let us know if that is the problem :wink:

Yes, tried it and it downloads the full file without any complications.

That’s a good call, but I checked it and unfortunatly there are no spaces behind the URL, would have been too easy :smiley:

That is the result I am getting, caused by the missing data:

The Binary to String node is not capable of converting the data because there is no data to begin with.

When I execute the Get Request node I see this:

This is my workflow.

Data from url - forum 85039.knwf (78.8 KB)

I have done nothing special, other than enter the URL in the Get Request, so let me know if it works. Also,what version of KNIME are you using, and on what OS?

I am using version 5.3.3 on Windows 11:
Screenshot 2024-12-02 151742

This is the result I am getting:

The data is still missing.

I have also tried the GET Request node with the URL and I am getting a status code 200 and the binary data just fine. Would you be ok with sharing your full workflow with us so we can check for any misconfiguration? If there is none, I would blame the network. Corporate proxies are pretty often at fault with errors like this.
Kind regards,


That is my workflow, but for me the same problem occurs with takbb’s workflow too.

If that is the case, I would check your network. Do you have a proxy configured in the KNIME preferences, or are you in a corporate network? Can you try running the workflow somewhere else?
Kind regards,

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Alexander Bro!
I spend 3 hours midnight with the same issue.
you know what, the response from server comes in 7 seconds, the get request had 2 seconds by default. As I changed it to 20 seconds, I can see all sh@t in the json. I found your messages while browsing internet for the same issue. Hope yours was also solved.
my 3 hours for 7 seconds??? @#{!!:skull_and_crossbones:ck​:skull_and_crossbones:hec%s​:skull_and_crossbones:nb!t¢h