I don’t know what they are actually called but five days into using the newly released KNIME 5.4, and it is still popping up what I call “features guides” or “tour guides” that tell me what I probably already know, about how the UI works etc, and are now just a distraction.
Useful though they are for new users, is there a global setting where I can switch these off?
Hi @DanielBog , I’m on Windows 10. When you say “appear once” do you mean each tip should appear once? It’s possible each one is only appearing once, but I was hoping I could just say “don’t show any more of them”.
I haven’t seen them today, so maybe they all have done their thing now. thanks.
yes exactly, currently each tip will appear once and you have to close each of them one time.
It should be saved globally per computer so you won’t see them again even after an update or workspace change