I’m willing to setup a workflow to extract data from Google Ads.
I have installed the Google Ads (Labs) Extension, but strangely although I restarted KNIME several time, I cannot find any of the Google Ads nodes.
I also downloaded from the community hub an workflow as example, and in this case as well, the related Google Ads nodes show as not intalled.
Anyone has an idea of what to do to solve this.
Kind Regards,
First thing, sorry for the inconvenience. 
We recently found a bug in the extension that is now fixed
As you noticed, the bug
was causing the nodes not to be displayed in the nodes list.
So I said the bug is fixed, and there are two options to use the extension:
- We will release the fixed version of the Google Ads extension with the next version of the KNIME AP, 5.4.1, which will happen at the end of next week.
- If you want to test the Google Ads nodes right now, the fix is also available in the nightly version of KNIME AP

I suggest downloading a new, fresh, nightly version of KNIME AP to test the extension and build your workflows. Next week, you can simply update your KNIME AP 5.4 and continue using your existing workflows there.
Feel free to ask again if you need guidance on how to do this nightly setup; we can even jump into a call.
Thanks a lot.
I’ll wait a few days 
Me again,
I only want to inform you that KNIME 5.4.1 is available
This version includes the bugfix of the Google Ads extension and much more nice stuff. You can look at the changelog
for an overview of the changes. This is the download link
You can also update directly your KNIME AP.
On another note, I would happily receive honest feedback if you play around with the Google Ads extension. It is a work-in-progress extension, so everything we can improve to make the KNIME user life easier is really valuable.
Let me know, and thanks again.
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