Group By Node: case insensitive grouping

Hi @AlexanderFillbrunn, I saw you replied to this post some years ago GroupBy Node: case-sensitive grouping I have the opposite problem. I have been asked to replicate some excel pivot tables using KNIME and when I do the grouping in KNIME I have more records in my pivot because excel’s pivoting does the grouping “case insensitive” is there a way for me to change this setting in the Group By node?

Can you share the workflow or screenshot, sample data to solve the challenge.

Hey there,

so you want to match what you see in Excel right? i.e. case-insensitive means that “Group A” and “group a” are grouped into one row rather than two?

What you could do is before pivoting your data to apply a string manipulation node on any group coulmns to convert everything to either upper or lower case:

This way “Group A”, in case of lower case, gets converted to “group a”…


Hi @hapisnake

Yes, I suppose that is what Excel seems to do by looking at the example above it has converted everything to UpperCase. So I will add that transformation step before the Grouping occurs. Thanks

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Glad I could help - to close the loop I suggest to flag as a solution………

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