Gzipped CSV reader without saving to HDD

I have huge CSV files zipped into GZIP to work with.

I know 1 slow way to read them:

  1. Node “Decompress Files” that wants to write the big CSV file to the HDD first
  2. “CSV Reader”…

Is it possible to skip the write to disk step?

All reader nodes should be able to directly read Gzipped files if the file name ends with .gz.


Please add a http link to this node “All Reader”. I don’t see it in the app’s node repository.

@Iwo you can just use the CSV Reader (CSV Reader – KNIME Community Hub) like this:


A wider approach to import CSV with GZIP an Hive is here:


CSV Reader has a problem with tar.gz file with CSV inside:
ERROR CSV Reader 4:1338 Execute failed: Cannot create a GZIPInputStream directly from a tar archive (C:\iwo_test\13855681Knime_tar_gz.tar.gz).
CSV Reader works with the same not compressed CSV file

@Iwo maybe you can provide us with a sample file without spelling any secrets. There was no mention of TAR before …

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@Iwo you can create .tar.gz files and also extract CSV from them like in this example:

import knime.scripting.io as knio
import tarfile

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

csv_file = knio.flow_variables['File path']
output_file = knio.flow_variables['context.workflow.data-path'] + knio.flow_variables['File name'] + ".tar.gz"

knio.flow_variables['v_tar_gz_file'] = output_file

with tarfile.open(output_file, 'w:gz') as tar:

You could give the .tar.gz file as “input_file” and the code would then extract all CSV files into the “output_directory” you have defined. You can adapt these settings:

Last example would extract the first CSV file found in a pandas dataframe and give that back to KNIME. Please note the sample CSV file as pipes has columns separators (|) you might want to adapt that.

kn_example_python_tar_gzip_csv.knwf (76.3 KB)


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