Has anyone used "google_sheet_payload.knwf" to address Google Sheets 400 Error - Request Payload Size Exceeds the Limit 10485760 bytes?

Hi everyone,
I am seeing errors Google Sheets Appender, 400 bad request with Request Payload Size Exceeds the Limit 10485760 bytes. I found this post from @mw and @oole. I downloaded the google_sheet_ payload.knwf and it says I’m missing Table Difference Checker and proceeds to say Find missing extensions has encountered a problem. How can I use this workflow?
Thank you so much for your help!!


Hello @alabamian2,

you can use Drag&Drop functionality from KNIME Hub to install this node/extension.

However from my understanding this node doesn’t impact workflow execution as it is last node and only does table diff check so you can use workflow as is.


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OK, thank you for your reply, @ipazin. So I just need to use this component node, Write Sheet.


And I need to replace this Missing Table Difference Checker with the new one. Should I worry about Variable Loop End (deprecated)? I see these (deprecated) ones often…should I always replace with new ones in general as best practice??

Thank you so much for your help and guidance, @ipazin. Much appreciated!!

Hhmm, it failed with this error.

ERROR Parallel Chunk End 0:3466 Execute failed: java.lang.NullPointerException

OK, replaced the Variable loop end. Now getting an error on Missing table difference checker node so trying to replace that now. :slight_smile: learning KNIME and making progress!!

Installed Table Difference Checker and now getting this error…

ERROR Table Difference Checker 0:16:0:23 Execute failed: Expected column named ‘CLIENT_NAME’ at position 0 in test table

Reporting back…I hit the 5 million cells limit on Google Sheets. Will point to BigQuery instead. Thank you!!

Hello @alabamian2,

glad to see you are learning and trying out things on your own. And indeed you are making progress :+1:

Check this topic on deprecated nodes:

Additionally here is link to KNIME docs in case you haven’t came across it. Very useful regardless of your KNIME level:



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