I build this model to predict whether a user will like a movie or not based on their characteristics and past reviews. Now I would like to build a Neural Network Model to help with this prediction. However, I simply do not know how to do this. Could somebody help me here? I am mainly stuck on what inputs/outputs to use, how I can make sure the results are understandable (either a predicted movie rating or a like/dislike) and how to use the different layers of keras
Is this for an assignment, or just something you’re working on to learn a bit more?
Without digging into details yet, I’d actually start with a more interpretable model before jumping straight into neural networks. Are you able to get reasonable results using a less complex algorithm? Can you get any insight into what variables might be driving the outcome using, say, XGBoost instead?
If you want to dig into deep learning with Keras in KNIME some more, you might find this video useful (granted, it’s about image classification so a somewhat different use case):