Help for a project with data anlysis

Hi, I am a beginner in Knime. I want to create a model in Knime to analyze comfort in car seats.
I took 50 partecipants and collected experimental data with a pressure mat on a seat and a Google Form questionnaire.

I have:
1x CSV file with 50 results from Google Form
50x results from a sensor (as CSV file and as image as below)

Can you give me some tips? For example, can i use Knime to correlate images and subjective results (from the questionnaire)?


You’re more likely to get some help if you share your data.

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Hey there,

thanks for the additional insights.

Unsure if the first screenshot you have shared has “example data” or real data… if it is real data maybe consider blurring ot the real names… just some food for thought.

In general what you’ll need to achieve first (probably stating the obvious) is to combinging the data from your first CSV file with the other 50 - likely by joining on some common key.

After that you can look into using a node like:

To identify correlation using a very basic approach.

KNIME obviously has much more functionality in that direction, but based on the information given I still find it difficult to suggest a concrete way forward.

Here’s a good read to learn about how to maximize your chances of getting good quality help here:

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Hi, thanks for the help

As I was saying my data are composed by:

-1 CSV Google form results for all the partecipants related to comfort (subjective data)

-50 CSV from the sensors (1 for each partecipant, objective data)

-50 pressure map (objective data)

I want to find a correlation between subjective comfort and objective data

Thank you for your reply, I am able to import and link the whole dataset. As final results i want something like “this seat is comfortable for individuals from 70 kg to 90 kg”

Thanks for the additional information and the result you want to obtain. I find it hard to help you further as clearly to achieve the desired goal one needs a good understanding of the data that was collected. My first struggle is that your main table is not in english so I can’t make sense of columns and the data contained in them. Second it is hard to built a prototype without some easily accesible example data - no one is going to bother typing data from screenshots into table creators / excel.

If you already have started experimenting it might also be useful to upload a workflow to make the challenges you are facing as concrete as possible.

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