Help needed at troubleshooting: Could not save AdapterCell

Hi there,
I am reading and processing a SDF file that is 8.07 GB, containing over 4 million ligands. The workflow is stuck at Row-filter node displaying the following message:

It runs until a certain percentage of molecules are executed through the filter then the message is displayed.
This is a snip-off of the settings:

What is the troubleshoot for this?

Hi @Sanjukta_Ghosh,

is there more information in the workspace/.metadata/knime.log file? Usually, there is some more info after the short message shown here “Could not save AdapterCell”.

Which version of AP are you using?

Could you try to make the workflow use the Columnar Backend? I found an existing bug report that matches your error message and this is listed as a workaround:



Hi @hotzm
Thanks for the help. It took me a while to apply your workaround. It is still being executed, it worked with the node I was stuck at. As per the Columnar Backend is concerned it is taking more time than the defaut setting, despite that I am thankful that it actually worked.

Thanks :slight_smile:

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