help regarding MLP node


    I`m new to Knime. can anyone suggest me how to configure the MLP node? after connecting to file reader node.

while executing file reader node it showing message "No settings available"

and after configuring MLP node it showing panel having less options which i`m unable to understand.

please suggest me for running MLP node.

please provide me links for documents related to above mentioned problems.

Many Thank you in Advanced.



Hi Sujit, 

Much like the other learner/predictor nodes in KNIME, you will need at least one String type for class data as well as the data of interest.  The class data is specified in the configuration dialog in addition to the other configuration options (for details on how these work, see the Node Description).  Attached is a screenshot of a typical mlp learn/predict motif in KNIME.  Post back if you have some more specific questions. 

Best Regards,

Aaron Hart