Help with joiner - duplicating values, not acting like a join

Hi, I want to do a join and return just the intersection between the top and bottom tables. The intersection part is successful but for some reason it duplicates my values by the hundreds. I have looked over the join conditions many times and I can’t imagine what is wrong with it. There are no additional keys that I should join to between and it does not seem to be operating in the way a join should.

Note that the Top table in my join is an aggregated “Group By” table. Is it possible that the Joiner node is somehow ignoring the GroupBy step and joining it to the original KNIME table that has all the rows in it? I cannot figure what else could be going on. :frowning_face:

Also I want to note that the Joiner seems to return duplicate records consistently with other use cases in my flow. I am growing very frustrated with this node. Any help is appreciated

Hi @chrismastri

It’s sounds like a data issue to me rather than a joiner issue but it’s highly unlikely anybody will be able to assist you purely based on the description.

Please include a workable demo workflow that highlights the issue and draft your desired output and then I’m sure someone will be able to help you out :wink:


@chrismastri for starters you could try and employ the

right before the join on the join criteria (columns) and see if they are unique on both sides. Instead of removing duplicates you can mark them and see how they come about.


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