I have a large table with approx. 250K molecules and a number of calculated Lipinski-type properties in columns. Now I want to generate some histograms to inspect the distributions of the properties.
With the Histogram Chart (JFreeChart) Node this is straightforward: select column(s) of interest and the number of bins, and voila, Bob’s your uncle (see image). However, the results are visually not very appealing.
Hence I try to accomplish the same thing with the Histogram node (from the Views → JavaScript branch) but can’t for the life of me work out how to do it…ideally I would like to be able to define the bin boundaries myself (say, starting at 0 with 50 Da intervals for molecular weight).
AFAIK none the Histogram nodes allow you the set the bin boundaries, but you can define the bins yourself and then use the Bar Chart javascript node with the “occurrence count” option to plot the histogram. For example:
there’s a Binning tab in Histogram (JavaScript) node which offers more options than Histogram Chart (JFreeChart) node which you say does what you want. Am I missing something?
Yes, this is close to what I wanted (and I am a bit at a loss why I couldn’t get this myself).
Even so, it would be an enhancement if one could specify the bin size and starting value (say 50 and 0) to get bins with intuitive intervals. I will put in an enhancement request.