How possible the link Brows in "Node Reader" is lost after save the Workflow?

Can some one help me: @armingrudd How possible the link excel reader saved correct in the workflow and after, when i’ll open workflow in KNIME, it result lost ?

Hi @Rico_Rico,
Would you explain the problem a bit more? Do you mean the path to the file is cleared or the file itself is not accessible anymore?


Hi @armingrudd , i mean the path to the file is cleared yes. I write the path, i save and when open the workflow the path is clear

Thank @Rico_Rico for your reply.

May I ask which verison of KNIME Analytics Platform are you using and what is your operating system?

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@armingrudd : Welcome to KNIME 5.2.2

This problem only happens in one workflow. I use the same file in other workflows and it does not lose the reference link. I don’ t undestand why :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Thank you @Rico_Rico,

What about if you select another file in the same node in the same workflow? Does it disapper too? If yes, Would you delete all other nodes and potential data files in the workflow data area and only add an example data file to the workflow data area and configure the node to reade the example file and make sure you reproduce the problem then export and share the workflow here?

Thank you again!

I test it, to late :+1:

ok i news u @armingrudd , I used another file link and I don’t lose the link when I save, close and relaunch the WF

i think there is problem with file! the indicted file , apparently it is not corrupted

Does it still happen if you select the same old file in a new workflow?

Goodmorning @armingrudd, the link store there! The problem is: if linked the indicted file, i lost all set: the skip line , skip row and skip column. So when i’ll start the workflow, if i don’t control the set, they 'll overwrite the output file with error final set !!! So i mast use the backup file and it ,same time, is not update well!

May be use a folder store!? mmmm thanks i try this choose :face_with_monocle:

i test this solution but, when i link the file in folder, the folder is empty ! :exploding_head:

Thank you @Rico_Rico,

So to summarzie what we know so far: (Please confirm each point)

1- You have a workflow with a configured Excel Reader node in which you add a path to a specific xlsx file and save but after re-opening the workflow, the path is gone

2- If you add a path to any other file, the problem doesn’t happen.
3- If you add the path to the specific file in a new Excel Reader in a new Workflow, the problem doesn’t happen.

I didn’t understand this. Would you explain and if possible provide a few screenshots to better demonstrate the problem.

1- Right
2 - No
3 - I test it, with a new Excel Reader node the problem there is always

When i lost the link file, i lost too this important reference flag:
Immagine 2024-10-22 115251

@Rico_Rico what you can so although not optimal is force the setting of these options via Flow Variables. This is what I did back in the days when there were similar problems:

The possible underlying problem seems to have been fixed in the 5.3 release. So maybe if you update KNIME it will disappear.

Hi @armingrudd, i delted the old Excel reader node AGAIN and save the workflow!
Now the link are save correctely! This solution / ideaa i already used it but in pass is not went good! I solved it. Thank you very mauch @armingrudd

Thanks to all to the interest. GOOD :+1:

the solution: erase e reconfigure e new EXCEL READER simply

Dear @Rico_Rico,

I’m happy to hear that you could solve the issue.
For further investigation of the problem, would you share a workflow including an example xlsx file which can reproduce the problem?
Please make sure you don’t share any confidential data.

@mlauber71 The problem is fixed since 5.3.0 and 5.2.1 and since he is on 5.2.2, I don’t expect the probelm be the same.


thanks sure of corse but i don’ t share never confidential data

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