How to analyze the video contents


I was wondering how to analyze the video contents.

I’d appreciate it if someone could provide some example workflows:)

Best Regards,

Hello @hhkim,

You could use the image processing extension below:

But you will need to figure out how to extract frames from the video and then have those imported into Knime via Image Reader or something similar.

Of course you could go down the route of using the python script and there is a lot of documentation out there that shows how you can do so in python.

Here is one workflow that shows how to read in image data to a python node:

Hope this helps,

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Thank you for your reply.

If I understand correctly,
it seems that KNIME can’t read video data directly, I have to extract the frames and read them as images.
Also, if I need to extract frames, it seems to need python script.

Please let me know if I’m misunderstanding something.

Best Regards,

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Yes, to my knowledge there is no out of the box node that can intake a video.

Now, you can point KAP at the video, say maybe using a file upload node or list Files/Folders and you can grab the location of the video on your computer and pass this to your python script node for processing.

There is a thread I will link below that deals with video files which you may find helpful as a starting point as it looks like the user was looking for something similar to you.



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