How to call a Neo4j procedure from Knime 4.2.x and further process results

Dear all,

I would like to use Knime 4.2.x to call a procedure from Neo4j 3.5.20 and further process the results of the procedure in Knime. Does anyone have an example of how to do it?

Thanks for any help in advance.

Best regards,


I fixed this on my own. For my particular Neo4j procedure, a Neo4j writer node can be used to call it as follows:

match (n:Mytype) WHERE n.nuid = ‘${{n.nuid}}’ WITH COLLECT(n) AS nodesList call myproc(‘param1’,nodesList,‘column1’) yield responseCode return responseCode

(Please note that my Neo4j procedure accepts only a list of nodes as second parameter. That’s why I had to put the node “n” of the current iteration into a collection/list. The procedure results can be further processed by means of a “JSON to table” node in Knime.)

Best regards,

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