How to connect SAS in Knime?


Has someone already connected Knime to SAS?
I have installed the JDBC drivers in my computer for SAS, but I am not sure which .jar to add and how to register proper driver.

Can someone give me a tip?
Thank you.

Hi @smvidal,

you can also add multiple JARs to the classpath. The find driver classes button helps you to automatically locate the drivers within the JARs.
This page in SAS documentation tells you which JARs need to be added to the classpath. In case you are using another driver, you might need to look for other documentation.

Best regards,

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Hello Julian,

I did that.
I am not getting error in the DB Connector node anymore, but I do when I connect the DB Connector node to the DB Table Selector node:

WARN DB Table Selector 3:10 Unable to execute query: SQL passthru expression contained these errors: ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the following: a name, (, ), ‘,’, ANSIMISS, AS, CROSS, EXCEPT, FULL, GROUP, HAVING, INNER, INTERSECT, JOIN, LEFT, NATURAL, NOMISS, OUTER, RIGHT, UNION, WHERE… ERROR 76-322: Syntax error, statement will be ignored.

We solved this issue in a call, but I would like to document here what needs to be done. SAS SQL does not support double quotes for identifiers, but KNIME uses those by default. In the DB Connector node’s configuration you need to go to Advanced tab and change the opening and closing identifier delimiters to an empty text. Now KNIME should generate valid SQL, but you also need to select a library. This can be done with the respective libname command in a DB SQL Executor node.


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