How to create label axis in histogram?


I would like to create axis labels in histogram. I have 6 names of drugs in x- label and parameter values in y - label. There is not possibility to create axis labels.

Can someone help me how to add title and axis labels?

Thank you

hello danibe,

as simple KNIME user i can answer you this:

the graphical object or image produced by a graphical node (e.g. histogram) inside a workflow is for the analysis perspective purpose only, as a graphic rapresentation "on the fly", but not suitable for final reporting.

If you need a better graphic layout and more settings/options/controls (like axis labels, title, legend, colors, text fonts,...) you need to make a report (BIRT).
In order to do this, you can connect the dataset to a "send data to report" node, run this node, and then open the associated report.
Then, in the report editor, you can create a new graph object an follow the wizard.

Please, look here:

Hope this can help



Thank you very much! =)

Thank you,

but there is some problem - no "Workflow Projects" window to open export data, only "KNIME Explorer"- there is my KNIME project workflow but without possibility "Open Report" (only rename, delete, move, refresh, edit meta data information, etc) =(. Do you know where could be the problem?