I subscribe and using community hub team plan.
My workflow create csv file on temporary space on hub.
It looks success to make csv file.
But I can’t down load it from the temporary space.
I’m using file download widget.
If have any good idea, plase help me.
The error message is below.
ERROR Component Output 4:2353:0:2 Errors in workflow - Contains one node with execution failure (File Download Widget #2227)
File Download Widget #2227: Variable “temp_path2_location” does not denote an existing file or is pointing outside of the workflow: knime://My-KNIME-Hub/Users/TKTeam/TK-001/008.工事課/中間ファイル/knimetemp2-e76df395012b4e92/【工事課】日別現場別アサイン表.csv
You can use a relative path (e.g. relative to the current mountpoint) and pass it as a string or path flow variable to the node. In general, you can use local file system absolute paths and also relative paths in the node.
@mlauber71 The ticket you mentioned is referring to an issue which was introduced in a nightly version and no release version is affected.
@armingrudd unfortunately this problem is present in the current version of KNIME on the Apple Silicon machine. The Widget opens the image instead of downloading it on a local machine - is this different on the Business Hub.
Thank you very much for clery advise. I modified.
Then I succeeded to output file on hub folder.
And I changed my idea for the download method.
Alternative method is download from temporary folder by manually. It looks working good. @armingrudd@mlauber71
Thank you very much for many advice and knowledge.