Sorry, but I’ve just started using KNIME, so I’m not very familiar with it yet. As mentioned in the title, I would like to understand how to fine-tune sensitivity using the Weka extensions. Normally, I would use a Parameter Optimization Loop Start, X-Aggregator, X-Partitioner, and Parameter Optimization Loop End. How can I apply this to fine-tune the parameters of the Bagging node?
Hi Pippo,
have you tried to adapt the solution I provided you? I think you must only adjust ne parameter naming, range and if needed add some more parameters.
Hi thank you for the reply, but I wanted to use the bagging classifier of weka and I did not find any resources(workflow examples, doc…). This is why I asked an another question
Yeah, there aren’t (m)any example workflows, but it’s quite straight forward:
In the Bagging-Node you can adjust Model-Types, Number of Models etc.
Sorry but I did not write the title and explain correctly but I wanted to know how to fine tune the sensitivity using cross validation of the bagging model
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