E.g. for the first row I want the cell ‘range’ to hold a list of integers following the pattern [27, 28, 29, … , 49, 50]. How would I achieve this using mainly onboard nodes?
In the meantime I came up with a solution by myself using a Java Snippet. However, while I don’t like the nature of this (little counterintentional from KNIME’s idea of “What you see is what you get.”) I like that it can be done using only one node.
I’ll pay closer attention to the proposed ideas later today. For other people struggling here’s my solution:
Nice solution! I was hoping someone else would jump on and provide an alternative (reminds me of code golf (KNIME golf?)). But yours pays the overhead of loop resetting for every row, which I think is somewhat expensive.
In fact, I just timed it and that’s the execution time on 10000 random dummy rows:
Execution Time (ms)
The Java Snippet really pays off in this easy task in terms of runtime.