How to get Dropdown value in Knime using JS

Hi There, I am using Knime JS node and i have a dropdown having multiple values.

I need to get the selected value of dropdown on the click of different button say submit.

Please guide me

Hello @Ripul,

are you using Generic JavaScript View node? And you would like to present to user a dropdown menu to choose from? Are those values coming from a column, flow variables or would be hardcoded? And how is the chosen value affecting view?


Hi @ipazin Thanks for your response
1)Yes in am using Generic JavaScript View node.
2)Yes I would like to present to user a dropdown menu to choose from
3)Flow variables are hardcoded.

So my basic question is how to get the dropdown value in KMINE as on the above details, is it something like docyment.getElementByID which is a javascript method?

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Hello @Ripul,

here is example workflow how to create a simple drop down menu from flow variables in Generic JavaScript View node:


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