What node can I use to identify a change in a column?
I have a table with a column that details a lot number. I need to highlight in the table when that number changes, so I can then look up data in another column for the date and time stamps when it changed.
I’ve tried Group By and created a new column to identify the chosen row (when the number changed) and everything is listed as a duplicate. Is there a better function to do this where I can highlight the row and the subsequent 5-6 rows after the change?
Any help would be appreciated, I’m just starting out using Knime.
There is Table Difference Finder node to check for differences on 2 tables. Also from your description maybe Joiner node can be useful to join two tables and then with some rules detect changes.
If you provide some input and expected output you’ll probably get better and more concrete ideas/suggestions.
Good evening Ivan, thanks for the response.
I’m looking to find the different in a column of a single table, not a comparison.
So in this table, I have a column for the lot number of a product. Out of 500 rows in this table, there maybe 6 different lot numbers. I’m looking for a way to identify when in that column the lot number changes so I can then review the date and time of the change in other columns of the same table.
Does that make sense? I may not be explaining the situation properly I have a meeting arranged next week with a mentor