Hello, I am working with a gene expression dataset. In the image below, you can see the structure of my dataset. I am attempting to straightforwardly use the Limma package on my dataset. I am using a CSV reader to read my file, and then I am using an R snippet with the following code to run the Limma package. However, I am encountering different errors, with the error below being the most persistent. Should I be performing more data transformation steps before feeding my data into the R snippet with the limma package? If someone could tell me where I am making a mistake and how I can fix it, it would be great. Or if someone already has an existing limma node for knime for Windows that would be great as well.
Convert the âclassâ column to a factor
kIn$class â factor(kIn$class)
Create a design matrix
design â model.matrix(~0 + kIn$class)
Extract the expression data
exprs_data â as.matrix(kIn[, -1]) # Convert to a matrix
Load the limma package
if (!requireNamespace(âBiocManagerâ, quietly = TRUE))
Fit the linear model
fit â lmFit(exprs_data, design)
Apply empirical Bayes moderation
fit â eBayes(fit)
Extract the results
results â topTable(fit, coef=âkIn$classposâ, number=nrow(exprs_data))"
This is the error
âERROR R Snippet 5:489 Execute failed: Failed to evaluate the script:
Error : Error in lmFit(exprs_data, design) :
row dimension of design doesnât match column dimension of data objectâ