How to lock a workflow

Hi all

is there a way to make a knime workflow uneditable or locked?

About my setup:
I use a batch file to open workflow1. Workflow1 opens workflow2 to import data from an oracle database and to create a birt report. Colleagues are allowed to start the batch file but shouldn’t be able to use the database reader (legacy) in workflow2 via KNIME Analytics Platform. The oracle password is saved in some database reader (legacy) nodes.

We don’t use Knime server at the moment, but Knime Analytics Platform.

Do you have a way to encrypt workflow2, create a locked meta node or lock database reader (legacy)?

Pascal Klötzer

Hello @P_Kloetzer,

don’t think so. Those are really features of KNIME Server (access management and Component locking/encrypting). You can try Credentials Configuration node and use Save password in configuration option to hide password from other users.


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