Hello everyone, I’m trying to perform a data transformation process that I did with python on KNIME, as KNIME offers analysis and transformation all in one place.
It involves:
- merging several 1d arrays into one row using the unique ID they have in common
- Separating a defined range of columns into several .xlxs or .csv files
- Performing an average and percentage function on several columns (from the file in step 2)
- Merging step 3 files into one .xlxs or .csv file.
- Overlaying the GPS data points collected over the actual locations to check for inconsistencies.
Please see attached files for step 2 and 3, which was done in python, attached also is the dataset
PHC_ISS_TOOL_Q2_OCT_11_V2_2022_results_Mon_7_42.xlsx (602.3 KB)
one with python in Google C
Column separation script.txt (2.6 KB)
ISS Merging script.txt (652 Bytes)